Prepping for your in-home newborn session with Redrock Portrait Design
COVID update: I will be wearing a mask during your entire newborn session (unless you tell me otherwise), and washing my hands before we get started with the photo shoot. Please let me know if you or anyone in your house hold does not feel well, I will do the same. We will reschedule your session if either house hold has any sick family members. Thank you!
Congratulations on your new baby! I am so honored you chose me to be your newborn photographer! I know you have many choices when it comes to photography, and I couldn't be more excited you chose Redrock Portrait Design. Photographing the connection and love between you and your brand new baby gives me so much joy. I incorporate the perfect mixture of lifestyle and light posing into my sessions. My use of all natural light and an easy approach has established me as a leading Denver in-home newborn photographer. I am committed to growing with my clients, allowing me to create photography to be cherished for a lifetime.

Here are some tips and tricks that will help you have a successful newborn session:
Just before I arrive to your home, please turn your heat up, or your air conditioning off (depending on the time of year, of course). It is important to have it warm and cozy for a sleeping baby.
Feed your baby. Baby should finish up feeding approximately 30 minutes prior to my arrival if possible. If baby is not finished feeding, just let them continue. It's better to have a fully fed and happy baby. Then it's time to sleep!
Make sure you keep baby in a diaper only, (no clothes), so they will be easy to wrap without disturbance once I arrive. You may wrap baby in a blanket or loose swaddle, and let them fall asleep.
White noise will be a perfect addition to the session! Weather you have a sound machine, or an App (Sleep Baby Sleep is one of my favorites), or some music or the tv on, background noise can be so helpful! When it's too quiet, any little noise or movement could startle your baby easily.
If your baby is used to a pacifier or bottle, have those on hand. I find the hospital pacifiers (Soothie- the rubber ones that you can stick your finger in) work the best!
Most importantly, try to keep calm. Babies reflect on our energy so it's important not to stress about this photoshoot, or anything else that may be going wrong or not according to plan. The calmer and more relaxed we are, the more so baby will be :)
Ultimately this is your baby and you know them best!
Here's what you can expect during your in-home newborn session:
This session will last approximately 2-3 hours, so get cozy! Feel free to relax while I'm photographing your baby, or eat lunch if you need to! It is quite a bit of time to have me in your home, so please make yourself comfortable!
I will be bringing lots of stuff with me. I have everything from rubber hardwood floors to baskets to furs and blankets, swaddles and headbands. Along with my photography gear. The only thing you need to worry about is supplying the clothes for you, your spouse and siblings. I have everything for baby! If you'd like to add anything to the photo's, just let me know!
We will start with photos of the entire family together, this way if you have other kids, they will be fresh and ready to go when I arrive. Second will be baby and sibling photos, followed by each parent individually with the baby, and finally the baby solo.
I do my best to use all natural light in my photography sessions which means I use the best lit room in your home. Most of the time the best light will be in the upstairs of your home, but could also be the living room or any other random areas of the home. Please try to have the rooms de-cluttered, but we may do some furniture arranging. I will choose the bedroom with the brightest light and most neutral bedding. If the bedrooms don't have great light, we will opt for the living room or another space in the home next to some windows.
It is 100% okay if Baby needs to eat mid photo's. This is totally normal so please don't feel bad! I would rather we take some time to stop and feed baby rather than try to force an unhappy baby into cute photo's. It won't work :)
For mom, dad and siblings:
You are a huge part of this photoshoot, so be prepared to be in lots of photo's! Photographing the connection between you and your new baby is one of my very favorites. There is nothing better than seeing the love you all have for this baby, and being able to capture it through my lens. This is a once in a lifetime moment, and I'm here to ensure you will be able to look back at these memories for a lifetime.
One of the biggest questions I get asked is, what to wear! I love the look of neutrals, simple patterns, layers, and textures! Best advice- moms choose your outfit first, then coordinate the family around you. If you need help, send me some ideas and options and I'm more then happy to help! The most important thing is that you are comfortable in how you look in whatever you choose to wear. Since we will be getting cozy in your photo's, it usually looks best to be barefoot. Your nails and jewelry will show in the photo's, so don't forget your wedding rings, they will be impossible to photoshop in :)
For siblings- I completely understand that they will probably be shy at first, so I try to form a connection with them before we jump right into photos. If we can at least talk a little first, usually the better they are for me in front of the camera. I'm not opposed to bribing with toys, food or candy, just let me know what I can do to help! Sibling photo's will be quick, I understand their short attention span. My goal is to get a family photo with everyone first and foremost, the sibling & baby (if they'll let me) a photo with just mom & kids, and a photo with just dad & kids, (again, if that'll let me :))
Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything or have questions about anything! I'm happy to help!
See you at your session :)

Here's a look at just a few of the wraps and headbands I will bring with me to your session: