Matt + Stephanie | Pregnancy Photoshoot | Boulder Maternity Photos
Okay, how adorable is this couple?! They are so in love with each other that being in front of the camera is effortless for them. They make it look SO DANG EASY. Like, they are just so happy they are actually glowing, and it was contagious, let me tell you! We had the best time on this absolutely beautiful evening in Boulder, on top of flagstaff mountain! I remember we had two locations picked out for their session, just in case the smoke from the wild fires made it so we couldn't see the mountain views. This spot was their number one choice, but with how bad the smoke was and for how long it lasted, we just weren't sure this spot would be possible. Well, the morning of this photo shoot, we woke up to more clear skies than we had had in quite a while, and we decided to give it a shot. I'M GLAD WE DID, wow! And, one of my favorite things about this location is there's barely ever any other people here. Yep, we get this entire view to ourselves! Just breathtaking!
So, Matt and Stephanie are cool Colorado people and are in fantastic shape with how often they hike and mountain bike, so they were 100% down to hike all the way to the water for a few photos. These two were literally running laps around me, (pregnant and all!) I left feeling like I better get myself to the gym asap lol :) Anyway, hiking all the way to the water and back is something I've only done a handful of times at this location, and man it is so worth it! The sunset over the water, just incredible. One of these days I swear I'm going to paddle board in that lake!
This was my first time meeting Matt and Stephanie, and I know they're going to make the best parents to this little girl! They are so infatuated with each other, I can only imagine how much love they will have to share with their baby! And I can't wait to meet and photograph her as a newborn!
Congratulations M + S!