Baby Gracie | Lifestyle Newborn Photography | Northern Colorado Newborn Photographers | Redrock Port

Welcome to the world, sweet baby Gracie!! I had the honor of photographing this family for their pregnancy with Gracie, and again for their newborn photoshoot! The day we met was the day of their maternity photos. It was mid May, we met at a local park close to their home in longmont, and it was a beautiful evening for a photoshoot! Until it started raining haha. Yep, it rained on our parade! Luckily it was the very end of our session and this family didn't mind one bit, well, because they're from the pacific northwest where it rains all the time! And Jake is two and didn't care one bit about anything but collecting sticks :) I learned quite a bit about this family in the short hour of photographing them, but one thing that really stood out to me is that they were waiting to be surprised about the gender of their baby until he/she was born! I am seeing that more and more these days and I think it's amazing! What an incredible and fun surprise that must be the day you have your baby!
Fast forward to the day Gracie was born, yay! It's a girl! I got the email from Anne and couldn't wait to set up their in-home newborn session! I was excited to see this family again, and excited to see Jake as a big brother! Oh and the family dog too, cause he's just adorable and just as much a part of this family :) I asked Anne if she was surprised they had a girl and she said "oh my gosh yes! I definitely thought we were having another boy!" How fun it must be to now have one of each! I am so happy for them!
Gracie AND Jake were the perfect angels for me during her newborn photoshoot! I couldn't have asked for better. I got all the smiles and interaction with Gracie from big brother! Gracie slept like a dream and just rolled with whatever her family wanted. Even the dog cooperated! After some bribing maybe haha. Ultimately, we had a very successful newborn photography session in the comfort of their own home, and I am beyond happy with how these photos turned out!
I absolutely loved working with this family and can't wait for some outdoor family photos as a family of 4, in the future! Congratulations, T Family!